Selasa, 23 Oktober 2012

Tugas Bahasa Inggris Bisnis.1
Jl. Sudirman No.45, Jakarta
North Jakarta, INDONESIA 20223
Tel +626218742654

*usually letterhead explaining mailer. Letterhead containing the company name, company address, zip code and phone companies.
2.      *In the example of writing dates, I use British English, which is on the right.
Example  British style:
Mr. James Hunt                                                                       29 September 2012
46B Park Avenue

Example American style :

29 September 2012

Mr. James Hunt
46B Park Avenue

3.      at the address on the letter is directed :

In British English, the location of the recipients align with the date as below :
Mr. James Hunt                                                                    29 September 2012
46B Park Avenue

In American English, the location of the recipients align with the date as below :
29 September 2012
Indonesia Sejahtera Selalu, PT
Jl. Belitung Jaya, Medan
North Sumatra, INDONESIA 20223
Tel +626217335455

4.      Salutation: Below we will describe in writing the procedures in the rule salutation Business Letter in English. Remember once again, we have to be consistent, if dated, in the style of British English, the entire letter must be in the same style. And vice versa.
If you know the name of the person:
Dear Ms / Miss / Mrs / Mr / Dr + Marga
Contoh: Dear Mr Miller
If you do not know her name:
Examples British English :
Dear Sir / Dear Sirs    = If recipients men
Dear Madam               = If the recipients of women
Dear Sir or Madam     = If the recipient is unknown sex
Examples American English :         
Gentlemen                   = If recipients men
Ladies                           = If the recipients of women
Ladies and Gentlemen = If the recipient is unknown sex
5.      British English to is located between Greeting and Content Letter, as below
Dear Mr. Hunt
Subject: Request No. 145

6.      The letter is the most important thing in a Business Letter. The contents must truly represent all of what you want to convey. Do not forget also to put manners. Here is a guide:
·         Paragraph One: Introduction and the reason why you are writing the letter.
·         The next paragraph: Explain in detail why you send a letter to him, including the background, and others as deemed necessary.
·         Last Paragraph: Conclude your reason once again and hope to the recipients of the letter.
Sample Letter:
“Referring to your request No. 145, we inform you that the material you requested is out of stock. Therefore, we suggest you ask for our new products.

We thank you and hope to get a reply from you soon.”

7.      Complementary Close
British English :
·         If you use the recipient's name on the salutation, the salutation is closing "Yours sincerely" or "Sincerely yours".
·         If you do not use the name of the recipient on salutation, the salutation cap is "Yours faithfully" or "Faithfully yours".

American English :
Gunakan “Sincerely” atau “Sincerely yours”, untuk semua kasus, yaitu mau Anda gunakan nama penerima ataupun tidak.
Dalam Email, Anda dapat gunakan berikut ini untuk Salam Penutupnya:
·            Regards
·            Kind regards
·            Best wishes

Example : “ Yours sincerely”


Was a copy sign or token of respect amessage sender.

1.      Refrence
Used as pengarsipan or documentation letter being remitted or is also used to remind reference of the receiver to the sender of a subject of will talk about. To write reference may be given writing striped bottom, and if you want to include reference you can.
2.      Enclosure
This part just wrote if any lampiran-lampiran to be supplied in a the businesses. Writing enclosure or attachment help authors, receiver, and pejagalan to know closely monitor completeness lampiran-lampiran that included. If lampiran-lampiran incomplete or not conforming to being written, controlling be readily done, the variation of writing enclosure can be observed on example:
Enclosure :
-          Contract
-          Cheque
-          memo
3.      Carbon Copy Notation
The notation is a carbon copy (CC) or a note about mail suppression. Usually in the list on the left bottom by writing down the code, i.e. CC stands for Carbon Copy or Carbon Copies of examples:
Copy to Mr. Erwin
cc. Mr.
4.      Post Script
Post Script is the line where the author add any further on the letter. Post Script in writing English letters are usually replaced with N.B., whereas in the UK replaced with P.P.